Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Rihanna- Battered, Beaten, and Maried?!?!?

Millions all over the world were shocked to here that the glamorous couple of Rihanna and Chris Brown were not showing up the the Grammy awards on February 8th 2009. Later that week, an image from a police report was leaked all over the internet and the news. The picture was of Rihanna, but it wasn't just a normal picture. It was a picture of her with bruises and cuts all over. Chris Brown was convicted to be the one that beat her to within an inch of her life.

Now I'm not sure on how TMZ got the picture fromt he police files, but i sure as hell know it wasn't fair to Rihanna to put a picture of her up ont he internet. I mean sure she is the hip-hop goddess, but nobody deserves to have people judge her from her battered and beaten photo. There are an estimated 4.8 million domestic violence attacks on women a year, yet they decide to invade Rihanna's privacy because she is the one that everybody cares about. Notice how when Rihanna comes into the spotlight all beautiful and such, everyone cares. Notice how when Rihanna comes into the spotlight looking like she had just been his by a train, everyone still cares. Plus the police get involved right away. Now try to notice how when every other woman gets abused in the world today. Look how nobody gives a shit. Well I give a shit, I think it's stupid. Am I really the only one, to care about others, instead of celebrities. Sure seems like it.

So now, Rihanna and Chris Brown are married? When the fuck did this happen? That's probably the stupidest thing i've ever heard in my whole entire life. First, she hates him for beating her face in, and biting her. Then second, she gets the police involved, he gets arrested, and suddenly her record sales go up because peopel feel sorry for her misfortune, and finally now, she's getting back together, and married to chris brown? Oh my lord, people need to fuckign think once in a while. Was this just a plan to make more sympathy cash for their wedding?


Now apparently Rihanna is dating fellow hip-hop artist Drake. If you don't know him for his music such as, "I'm Still Fly" and "Brand New Remix ft. Lil Wayne", then you might know him as the guy who got shot or guy in the wheelchair on the hit Canadian TV show, Digrassi. Yes, this rapper/ actor has been seen in many places with Rihanna, and they're currently on the same record label. On the other side of things, nobody has really asked Rihanna about him, and there was only one interview with Drake where he said they were "Tight". Now I'm not too sure what that's supposed to mean but perhaps in the near future they will come out and tell us if the rumors are true. In other news about Rihanna, she is still going to court in the battle against Chris brown, so it is safe to say that they are offically over and the beautiful Rihanna is livign the single life as we know it. Good luck Drake. ;)

Tell me your thoughs.


Monday, March 9, 2009

Copyrighting Crap!

Well this here is my 2nd blog and it's one that im not too happy about. In my opinion copyrighting sucks. ALOT. I mean sure people do have the rights to have full ownership over their own work, but when people are paying respect to them, it shouldnt matter too much because more than 50 % of the time people that like the new version will listen to the old version too.

My friend Curt and I have been making videos and uploading them to Youtube for our friends, and hopefully one day we can make a living off of it. But stupid copywriting laws have banned two of our videos from Youtube. One is called Steroid drink, it is about a young man who got beat up due to jealousy for he had a much cooler haircut than the one who was beating him up. Heres where the copyrighting comes into play. We were forced to either take down our video or risk having a video with no sound because the director for the movie "Team America- World Police" apparently copyrighted the song entitled "Montage" and it was in our video so Youtube wouldn't allow it. So 200 views seems like alot to us back then, and quite frankly we were pissed. Another incident was recently, we had uploaded a video just under a month ago called, "Look What I Found!" It's a Rick Rolled video. Unlike most i actually like a good rick roll. Now, getting back to the point, we got an notification email so we were like, oh shit, not this again. We logged on, not only to see, what else but an personal message from Youtube Service. It stated we had some sort of audio visual content from Rick Astley's song "Never Gonna Give You Up" which is the song that identifies that you have just been Rick Rolled. The song is owned and licensed by Sony Music Entertainment so they are letting us keep the video as long as we have ads from google on the page of our video and in a little space underneath our video tags and discription, it says, "Contains Content From: Rick Astley Offical Channel. Not that big of a deal you may think. But wouldnt you be mad if somebody took credit from your video that you tried to create for fool and make people laugh? I know i would, and was. [1]

In Conclusion, the copyright law is acceptable obviously, but i still don't see why you need to state the obvious on someones video that is paying repect to you anyways. Without Rick Rolling, I'm not sure that Rick Astley would even be as famous as he is today.


