Thursday, April 16, 2009

Where In The World Is Osama Bin Laden?

Many are asking the U.S. government, how exactly, do you lose, and not be able to find, the most wanted man in all of the world? ...No seriously, i need an now!

O.K., so here's the thing, in Media class we're watching this movie called, "Where In The World Is Osama Bin Laden", it's got that guy from that documentary, "Supersize Me" (Morgan Spurlock). He's actually pretty jokes but anyways, throughout the first half of the movie, I myself, am begining to wonder, where the hell is he? Now as disappointed as i am, that he hasn't found Osama yet, I'm fairly glad with what has went down as of recent. He's gotten so many different answers, and still nobody is giving him a specific area, or place that he is.

So finally, people start telling him where to go. He get led to a sign. The sign says if anyone that isn't a Talaban member, will be killed on site. So instead of risking his life, so he could possibly find the most wanted man in America, and earn 25, 000, 000 dollars while doing it. He decides to head on home, and tend to his pregnant wife, and wait for his new born child. Which is completely understandable, but what i don't understand is, he wanted to find Osama, he found where pretty much everyone pointed out where he would be, and he goes back to America, and still nobody has found Osama Bin Laden. Why the hell did he not tell somebody, or anyone from the U.S. government go and get him, or look for him? They pretty much know exactly where he is, yet they hesitate to go and find him? Thats just stupid. Completely and utterly stupid. Are they too affraid to go find him, if so what are they affraid of?

Let me know what you think!

Parking Tickets or Parking Lame...ickets ??

I Personally don't see a point in parking tickets, and parking meters. Sure some people my want a clear place infront of their store or home. But correct me if I'm wrong. Would you not want a car infront of your store? It makes it seem like someone is in there, buying stuff, so people may want to try it out, if its a restaurant, or is its a hardware store, try some of your products. Get some business rollin' you know what I'm sayin' ;)

Now suppose you are the lonely type, the type who barely has anyone over, sure maybe you like your privacy, but what if people are talking about you right? What is the gossip girl accross the street, is planning a party and you're not invited because you are a loner and nobody likes you. Then to get in their face, let people park infront of your home, screw it. They'll be all having fun, look accross the street, look you have the lights on! You have people over! You aren't "Mr. Loner Man" that everyone talks shit about anymore. You rule dude or dudette! But really you fooled them. Nobody is there, but you're having fun at home, playing solitaire and whatnot, by yourself.

You see there are many Pro's and Con's to any topic. Feel free to give me your honest opinions and i will do my best to comment back nicely. :)